
Below are a few other places to visit (not just blogs) for those who're looking for that kind of kinky and/or sex-related thing.

SRSKink - a kink community on reddit (started by yours truly). We're very wee at the moment, but it's an über safe space, and what little readership we do have is awesome.

Scarleteen - an amazingly informative, delightfully designed website for sex ed. They specify for people in their teens and twenties, but they've got great information for everybody.

Bedside - A great website about birth control, all kinds, with advantages, disadvantages, video interviews, and a layout to die for.

Passion and Soul - Website of Lee Harrington, a really wonderful BDSM educator, artist, etc. Check out his blog, as well as the writings, essays, and handouts section at the bottom left tabs.

Reddit BDSMCommunity - the bigger community of BDSM folks on reddit. Sometimes snarky, sometimes argumentative, always entertaining. This subreddit can be sort of crappy sometimes, but it's usually very welcoming to new comers, and is a fairly large body (about 10,000 members, last I checked) of both information and (mostly) kind kinksters.

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