Hi internet.
It's been a while.
Here's the part where I'll tell you why it's been a while.
I'm writing a book, and working two jobs, and my man just got home from four months away, so it's been a real busy few weeks (month... yeah, month). And I'd say I'll try to post more, and I will, but to be perfectly honest, there are a few (maybe more than a few) things in my life right now that take precedence over this. Although, come September, things might go back to normal, as I've got plans to move to the frozen tundra that is far west bush town, Alaska. We'll see.
On to some substance, shall we?
I recently got a big spike in hits, specifically on one post, the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder mocking back from June of 2012. Looking at my traffic, it came from reddit. Someone, hilariously enough, has linked it as an example of the actual DiCarlo Escalation Ladder.
Side note: that post is my most viewed, even with the porn posts thrown in there. It's also the third hit when you google DiCarlo Escalation Ladder.
And that's all fine and dandy, as far as I'm concerned. I'd like nothing better than for someone looking for the actual creep-tastic piece of rapey filth to find a mocked version of it, especially because the post doesn't link to any PDF of the Ladder, but rather intersperses commentary throughout a copy-pasted version (so I'm not directing any traffic to those sites, which is good).
But I had a comment come through this morning from one of these guys, and it almost spoiled the whole fucking thing.
Because I just rage. There's no quippy way to put it. There's no getting around it. I read the comment it made my fucking feminist blood boil in my giant, patriarchy-smashing muscles.
And I responded, which I probably shouldn't have, but I did. You can go back and look at it if you want. It's not even a particularly good response. I just wrote it because: rage.
But it leaves me with a bit of a conundrum. Based on the traffic of this blog, is more philosophical than practical. I guess it's an issue a lot of bloggers run into. I don't want to provide space for assholes to say their asshole bullshit, but I also don't really want to regulate my comments section. And not for the "free speech blah blah" bullshit; nobody is infringing on your right to free speech if they don't agree to host your comments. It's more that, if I want to have a dialogue abut these kinds of things, then I actually want to have a dialogue. It's also that, in part, I want to leave the super shitty comments up as an example of the fact that these kinds of shits actually exist.
The comment would have been easy to deal with if it was hateful, or mean, or angry. It wasn't. It was placating. It was wheedling. It was "oh, the Ladder isn't really so bad, it's just writing stuff down and it's just the way men and women are. Don't worry about it."
Because that's what drives me up the fucking wall. When somebody says, about my experience, about my deeply held beliefs "really, it's not such a big deal. You shouldn't be so sensitive. You shouldn't take is so personally. It's not really a big deal. Don't worry about it."
Fuck you. Of course I worry about it. I worry explicitly, and sometimes with great verbosity. And yeah, I do take it personally. You're commenting on my fucking personal blog.
I don't really know what to do about it. Nothing, I suppose. Seethe. I'll seethe about it.
More content come. To brighten this a little, here's a link to a rad video game company run by a friend of mine. Their philosophy about the new stuff coming out is excellent, and it's a little ways down.
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